Okay, so we all know we've continued our adventures but have been too lazy to post about it. I'm here to change that. Today marks day 1 in an epic journey that will take me to San Diego and San Francisco California, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas, and Thailand in late May. Before I get into this trip, I haven't just been sitting around with my thumb up my ass. Well, maybe just the last month and a half since being (f)unemployed. I've been in Hawaii now for almost a year and a half and have had some of the best adventures of my life up to this point in the Hawaiian Islands. Here are some of the noteworthy hikes I've done here:
Top 7 Hikes in Hawaii:
1. Na Pali Coast, Kauai
2. Stairway to Heaven
3. Olo Mana (Triple peak)
4. Kaau Crater
5. Mt. Olympus
6. Koko Head
7. Maunawili Falls
I realize I haven't explore Maui that well and I am missing out on some Road to Hana action, hopefully that will come before I find myself back in the 9-5 grind.

Among other adventures, I sadly sold my boat, Lalena, to a friend out here. The last day aboard the vessel I witnessed and nearly killed 7 Honu (Turtles), came 15 feet from a mama and baby whale, and snagged two 25 lb. mahi mahi's out at FAD P (Penguin Banks). What a great end to a partnership of man and machine.
So anywho, back to the new trip here. Tonight some friends on the island are sending me off right with a catamaran booze cruise out of Waikiki (Mai Tai cat) and some all you can eat ribs at Tikis. I think they know me all too well just for being out here a little over a year!
I'll be updating you soon! Aloha bitches!
Dan AKA Lt. Rockstomper